
From the end of September of 2015 AmiGaTa girls were produced on the third modification of body. It is slightly higher than the second one, mainly due to improved double knee joints, the doll is 16 cm tall. The sculpt of hands and feet changed somewhat, too, hopefully making them more graceful:

AmiGaTa Dua on a 3rd body compared to Quinta on a 2nd oneAmiGaTa Dua on a 3rd body compared to Quinta on a 2nd oneAmiGaTa Dua on a 3rd body in lotus positionAmiGaTa Dua on a 3rd body in lotus positionAmiGaTa Dua on a 3rd body in sitting on her heelsAmiGaTa Dua on a 3rd body stayingAmiGaTa Dua on a 3rd body sitting

Almost all Tressas and Cuatras and some Unas and Quintas have second body. It was produced since the end of May of 2014 up to September of 2015. The girl on this body is 15.5 cm tall and have 16 joints:

AmiGaTa Tresa on a 2nd body stayingAmiGaTa Tresa on a 2nd body sittingAmiGaTa Tresa on a 2nd body sittingAmiGaTa Tresa on a 2nd body stayingAmiGaTa Tresa on a 2nd body is doing the splitsAmiGaTa Tresa on a 2nd body from the backAmiGaTa Tresa on a 2nd body

About half of Unas and some Duas had such a body with single jointed knees, total of 14 joints:

AmiGaTa Dua on a 1st bodyAmiGaTa Dua on a 1st bodyAmiGaTa Una on a 1st bodyAmiGaTa Una on a 1st bodyJet-black AmiGaTa Una on a 1st bodyJet-black AmiGaTa Una on a 1st bodyJet-black AmiGaTa Una on a 1st body

Girls' eyes size is 8 mm.


The second boy is somewhat shorter than the first one, the lad with it is 18 cm tall:

AmiGato Duo standingAmiGato Duo standingAmiGato Duo's backAmiGaTo Duo in lotus positionAmiGato Duo is sitting on his heelsAmiGato Duo is sittingAmiGato Duo is bendingAmiGato Duo compared to AmiGaTo Uno and AmiGaTa Dua with a third body

The first boy AmiGaTo Uno's body was sculpted specially for this head and won't be reproduced. The boy is 20 cm tall:

AmiGato Uno standingAmiGato Uno is always alertAmiGato Uno's sideAmiGaTo Uno's backAmiGaTo Uno's backAmiGato Uno on the kneesUndecisive AmiGato UnoAmiGato Uno is doing the splitsAmiGato Uno can sit cross-leggedAmiGato Uno leaning on one armAmiGato Uno is ready to stand upAmiGato Uno's feet

Lads' eyes size is 6 mm.

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