Tamikan Space HybridTamikan Space Pet TardigradeTatar Nәni Hәzinә Alsu and RuslanTamikan Space AuaINO TadpoleTamikan Space Gal

The outfits page's been updated again:

Down jacket for AmiGaTasDown jacket for AmiGaTasVest for AmiGaTasVest for AmiGaTasLeggings for AmiGaTasLeggings for AmiGaTasLeggings for AmiGaTas

The outfits page's been updated:

Corduroy trousers for AmiGaTasAmiGaTa wearing jeansLace-up shoes for AmiGaTasLace-up shoes for AmiGaTasLace-up shoes for AmiGaTasPumps with bow for AmiGaTasPumps for AmiGaTas

New shoes are cast from semi-rigid resin.

We used this collection to preview our new basic outfits (coming soon!) and, please, note that two of this girls are still available to order and we are preparing more!

Winter Fun collection AmiGaTasWinter Fun collection AmiGaTasWinter Fun collection AmiGaTasWinter Fun collection AmiGaTasWinter Fun collection AmiGaTa DuaWinter Fun collection AmiGaTa TresaHeadphones of Winter Fun collection AmiGaTa Tresa

And we add a free wave stand to each of the first 10 orders!

INO Kid second preorderINO Kid on the wave standINO Kid on the wave standINO Kid on the wave standINO Kid on the wave standINO Kid on the wave standINO Kid on the wave stand

More details are on the INO Kid page.

We have prepaired new tops with logo of our J-rock band and funny sneakers similar to those on our Zombie:

AmiGaTa t-shirt with Reptiloid printAmiGaTa tank top with Reptiloid printAmiGaTa tank top with RNB printAmiGaTa wearing sneakers

Also we added chairs to accessories list and many photos from recent and old exhibitions we took part in:

AmiGaTas at Modna LyalkaAmiGaTa Quinta as Lydia at Modna LyalkaINO at Modna LyalkaINO at Modna LyalkaShadow Government of Reptiloids band at International Doll SalonAmiGaTa Quinta at International Doll SalonAmiGaTa Quinta as Lydia at International Doll SalonShadow Government of Reptiloids band at International Doll SalonSigning session of Shadow Government of Reptiloids band at International Doll SalonAmiGaTa Quinta as Lydia Deetz from the movie “Beetlejuice” at Dollscar in 2015AmiGaTas at Doll Time in St Petersburg  in May 2015AmiGaTa clothes and furniture at Doll Time in St Petersburg  in May 2015INO at Doll Time in St Petersburg  in May 2015Our dolls at Doll Time in St Petersburg  in May 2015

AmiGaTa Quinta dresses as a zombie to scare some sweets out of her neighbours! We don't know about chocolates but she's already got a delissshcious brain somewhere...

AmiGaTa Quinta as a zombieAmiGaTa Quinta as a zombieAmiGaTa Quinta as a zombieAmiGaTa Quinta as a zombie
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